At Hilton Head Hyperbarics we have personally witnessed the healing effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on dozens of veterans suffering from PTSD/TBI

Case Studies Relaying the Positive Impacts of Hyperbaric Treatment for Veterans:

  • A 32 year old male patient suffering from a TBI and PTSD received Hyperbaric Treatments. This patient had an IED explode under his Humvee where his comrade died in his arms. Patient suffered from daily headaches, severe pain in his feet, thoughts of suicide, and drastic mood swings. The patient completed 70 HBOT dives. His headaches are now a rare occurrence, the pain in his feet is 90% better, and his mood and temperament are much improved. Instead of sitting around the house all day, you can find him out fishing or spending time with his wife and kids.

  • A 45 year old medically discharged soldier suffering from PTSD received Hyperbaric Treatments. The patient suffered with insomnia and severe PTSD which lead him to be extremely withdrawn from his family. The patient hardly spoke to anyone, rarely left his room-let alone his house, and ate his meals alone. This patient completed 90 dives over six months. The patient is no longer on his ‘cocktail’ of medications and is back to being his old self. He is very talkative, is now spending time with family, and is happy again. These are typical results of HBOT for treating PTSD.

Arizona Led Bill Could Allow For New Treatment For Vets With Brain Injuries

Lawmakers Want To Expand Use Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Vets With PTSD, Brain Injury

HBOT Helping Veterans With Invisible Wounds

Iowa Veteran Pushes Hyperbaric Treatment for Postwar Symptoms

Local business creates veteran sponsorship program to treat PTSD using hyperbaric oxygen therapy

TreatNOW: A Citizen Response to the Suicide and Concussion Crises

TreatNOW Mission: Identify and treat veterans and others suffering from Concussion/TBI/PTSD